Cooking Terms


Al dente - to cook pasta just until it is done - not over soft or overcooked.


Baste - to brush or spoon liquid fat or juices over meat or vegetables while cooking to keep moist.

Bearnaise - a Hollandaise sauce with a tarragon vinegar mixture added.

Beat - to mix 2 or more ingredients together using a brisk circular movement with a fork, whisk, or electic mixer.

Bias-slice - to cut food crosswise at a 45 degree angle.

Blend - to gently mix 2 or more ingredients throughly together usually with a spoon.

Boil - to cook food hot enough so that the liquid bubbles.

Broil - to cook food directly under the heating element in the oven.

Brown - to cook food until the surface turns brown in color.

Butterfly - to cut food down the center without cutting all the way through and then spread apart.


Chop - to cut into irregular pieces.

Core - to remove non-edible center of food.


Dash - a measure equal to approximately 1/16 teaspoon.

Deep-fry - to cook food completely submerge in hot oil.

Dice - to cut into small cubes.

Dilute - to make the taste of a liquid less strong by adding more water or some other liquid.

Drizzle - to pour in a small thread-like stream moving over a surface.


Fold - stir with a gentle circular motion, over and under the mixture as to not lose air.


Glaze - to coat or cover with a glossy coating.


Hollandaise -  a rich and creamy sauce made butter, egg yolk and lemon juice.


Marinate - to let food set in a liquid seasoning in an air-tight container. Tenderizes and adds flavor.

Mince - to chop or dice food into tiny, very fine pieces.


Saute - to cook food quickly in a small amount of oil.

Sear - to quickly brown or char meat to seal in juices.

Shread - to cut food into small, narrow strips using a grater or shredder.

Simmer - to cook food just below boiling point.

Steam - to cook food over boiling water in a steamer basket.

Stir-fry - to fry small pieces of food in small amount of oil over high heat while constantly stirring.


Wisk - a utensil used to blend ingredients smooth.


Zest - a thin outer part of the rind of citrus cut into thin, narrow strips.